Angel to Buffy You Dont Know Me Anymore


Recap / Affections S01 E08 "I Will Remember You"

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Angel winds an antique clock on his desk. He has been back in 50.A. for three days since assisting Buffy (unbeknownst only to her) during Sunnydale's latest mysterious manifestation. Now, Cordelia and Doyle closely watch Affections for signs of depression. Cordelia reveals that since he doesn't look depressed, and then him seeing her again cut deeper than they thought. She probes for details most his trip, and is in the midst of expressing her tart opinion of Angel'south inconsistent secretiveness when the Slayer herself suddenly appears in the office doorway. Cordelia quickly introduces a fascinated Doyle, then pushes him into the outer function.

In L.A. visiting her father, Buffy now demands an explanation for Angel having went to her town and followed her behind her back. Affections, though he apologizes for the way he handled things, remains convinced he did the correct affair.They conclude that they should stick to the plan: keep their distance time enough so they forget. As Buffy turns to go out, a sword-wielding warrior demon crashes in through the window and knocks Angel to the floor. Buffy disarms the demon and engages it hand to hand, allowing Affections to recall the sword and plunge it into the demon's abdomen. The demon escapes back through the smashed window. Finding themselves in uncomfortable proximity, Buffy and Angel sort themselves out and prepare to requite chase.

Equally they track the demon through the sewers, Buffy mocks his option of weapon, sarcastically praises his power to track by the smell of blood, and alludes to their breakup on a like hunt through the sewers of Sunnydale. When Affections says he feels weird, Buffy confesses her hurting and confusion over still wanting him without existence able to take him. Affections corrects Buffy, proverb that the demon'southward blood on his fingers is powerful enough to make him feel strange. When the demon's runway seems unclear, one path leading deeper into the sewers and ane leading up to the surface, Buffy and Angel carve up. Affections follows the demon cloak-and-dagger and flushes information technology from cover. During the offset volley of blows, the demon inflicts a shallow cutting on Angel's palm. Angel recoils and vamps, then renews the fight with increased ferocity. When Angel delivers a fatal thrust, some of the demon's phosphorescent blood mixes with his own. White light suffuses his body and he drops to his knees with a shout. Noticing his ain heartbeat, Affections whispers: "I'k alive."

Angel enters the part through the front door in full daylight. Cordelia guesses that Angel has an umbrella to shield him, but Doyle discerns that their friend is alive. After briefly standing in the sunlight streaming through the windows, Affections realizes his incredible desire for food and demolishes the contents of the office fridge. Trying to figure out what to do side by side, Affections sends Cordelia to call Buffy off the hunt, but asks her not to mention his altered state all the same. Doyle pages apace through a reference volume and Affections identifies the Mohra demon. While Angel moves dorsum to the window, this time to marvel at his reflection in the glass, Doyle reads that the Mohra demon, which incidentally needs slap-up quantities of table salt to survive, works for the "other side" to take out warriors for proficient like Angel and Buffy, good agents of The Powers That Be. The reference too states that the Mohra'southward "veins run with the Blood of Eternity."

Musing that this explains what happened to him, Affections becomes adamant to ask the Powers why. Doyle cautions Angel that they cannot be questioned directly, simply must be approached through channels. When Affections demands access, Doyle obligingly takes him to see The Oracles, using a spell to gain entry into their realm through the Gateway for Lost Souls. Accepting the gift of Affections's watch, The Oracles ostend that he is both alive and truly human, with all the bellboy hurting and pleasure of that mortal condition. Angel reports back to Doyle, who concludes that the side by side logical step would be to effigy out what Angel wants.

Along a sunlit garden path, Buffy gazes out at the ocean. All of a sudden, she turns and sees Angel striding toward her. He takes the Slayer into his cover and they buss. Dorsum at Angel Investigations offices, Cordelia brings Doyle up to speed about the "forbidden beloved of all time" between Buffy and Affections. Meanwhile, Angel is wondering aloud near his options and his purpose, at present that he's human. Buffy thinks his concerns sound far also cautious. All of a sudden, Buffy and Affections lunge into each others arms and begin making out on the kitchen table. Afterwards, Affections raids the refrigerator in the nude, bringing an impromptu picnic back to bed for Buffy. The two of them spend much of the night together sensually exploring being human.

Cordelia and Doyle commiserate over drinks, wondering if they are out of a job. Doyle suddenly has a vision and returns to Angel's place to written report that the Mohra demon has unexpectedly regenerated itself, bigger and meaner than ever. Doyle joins Angel for another hunt, suggesting they include the Slayer to provide some supernatural muscle, simply Angel believes that his being human will never work unless he tin still fight demons on his ain. Researching clues almost Mohra vulnerabilities on the way, Angel and Doyle runway the demon to a nearby salt refinery, where it ambushes them, knocks Doyle unconscious with a unmarried boot, and proceeds to severely thrash Angel.

In the meantime, Buffy, waking solitary in Angel's bed, forces Cordelia to tell her what's happening. She then finds Angel and the Mohra at the bottom of an empty salt silo and takes over the fight, while the demon declaims prophecies about dark hordes and the end of days. Angel spots the jewel on the demon's forehead, remembers that destroying its "grand optics" will finish information technology, and shouts instructions to the Slayer. Buffy smashes the Mohra'south forehead precious stone, whereupon the demon fractures and shatters in a outburst of radiant lite. In the sudden serenity, Buffy kneels down and gathers the dilapidated Angel into her arms.

Returning to The Oracles, Angel asks about the portents described past the Mohra and learns that, if he remains human being, Buffy volition face up the minions of darkness alone and die much sooner. Angel asks The Oracles to have back his life. At outset, they refuse to interfere in "a matter of beloved" betwixt "lower beings." Angel argues that in that location are larger issues at pale; if he remains human, the "other side" will take certainly succeeded in removing i champion from the cause of The Powers That Be, equally well as hastening the demise of some other. The Oracles decide that Angel's willingness to sacrifice happiness and dearest qualifies him as a "higher existence," only that his request to requite back his life can only be granted if the entire solar day is erased, although Angel solitary would have to remember information technology all in social club to prevent circumstances from repeating exactly.

Returning to Buffy, Angel tells her he has been to The Oracles to ask to get a vampire over again — and that they granted his request. She chop-chop passes through disbelief, anger, and rejection, then grieves upon learning how little time actually remains to them and that she volition take no memory of what happened. They weep and kiss equally the last seconds click past and as they concur each other, Buffy repeats that she will never forget.

In a flash, fourth dimension folds back to the moment in Affections'southward office when Buffy told him almost sticking to the program of keeping their distance, then Affections responds again they should do so until they forget. Buffy turns to get out and the Mohra bursts through the window, Angel picks up the antiquarian clock from his desk-bound, ducks the demon's first kicking, and steps within its first sword thrust. Quickly, he smashes the clock into the demon'due south brow, destroying its "thousand optics," and so steps back to watch information technology shatter and disappear in a thousand glowing fragments. Buffy asks how Affections was able to destroy the demon so decisively. Angel says he had a lot of time to catch upwardly on his reading. When Buffy says "that'due south all there really is to say," Affections turns to expect down at the damaged clock and agrees. When he turns back, she'south already left.

Tropes in this episode:

  • Achilles' Heel: The Mohra demon tin can exist killed by breaking the gem on its forehead.
  • Alien Blood: Affections is "infected" with demonic claret that cures him of his vampirism. It's bright neon light-green.
  • Virtually Kiss: Affections and Buffy in the sewer; they finish information technology themselves.
  • Aboriginal Grome: The "Oracles" clothes in purple togas, albeit with statuary body paint.
  • Bargain with Heaven: Angel volunteers to become an ensouled vampire over again and erase the past day's events, putting himself back into the fight for the Powers That Be, so that Buffy will not be killed in battle thank you to his absenteeism.
  • Beautiful Dreamer: Doyle has come to warn Angel virtually the Mohra demon. Buffy is nonetheless asleep.

    Doyle: I think we should bring someone a petty... supernatural.
    [Angel pulls a sweater over his caput and looks where Doyle is looking.]
    Doyle: Don't y'all want to wake the daughter?
    Angel: [smiling] Not for the world.

    • This becomes Fridge Horror when yous realise the last time Angel and Buffy slept together, she likewise woke upwardly alone because Angel lost his soul and nearly precipitated the apocalypse. Leaving her to wake alone hither is (presumably accidental) thoughtlessness on Angel's function.
  • The Large Damn Buss: When Angel becomes human being, Buffy finds out almost it when he walks up to her in the sunlight and sweeps her into his artillery for a passionate cover.
  • Bloody Murder: Having blood that tin remove the demonic aspect of an enemy is a good way to weaken a supernatural foe.
  • Brick Joke: The peanut butter.
  • Brought Downward to Normal: Angel's humanity is restored by some blood from a demon with "regenerative backdrop."
  • Comically Missing the Betoken: Affections walks in off the street in wide daylight.

    Cordy: Hey, you walked in the front door—from the street! [Crush] You got an umbrella!

  • Phone call-Back:
    • Angel takes on an aspect of the demon from its claret, equally Buffy did in "Earshot".
    • Buffy says "I was really jonesing for some other heartbreaking sewer talk."
  • Tin't Stay Normal: Afterward losing badly in a fight with a demon, Affections reverses time because he fears he won't be able to protect Buffy.
  • Delicious Distraction

    Affections: Yeah. I'g mortal now. I accept a mortal trunk. [stares at where Cordy is standing] And I'k and so... hungry!
    [Cordy jumps out of his manner as he comes charging towards her.]
    Cordelia: Look out, he'southward gonna consume— [Angel grabs one of the donuts on the little refrigerator behind Cordy and stuffs information technology in his oral cavity] everything in sight!

  • Description Cut: After Affections temporarily becomes homo, Doyle mentions that Angel is now immune to the "perfect happiness" expletive (implying he and Buffy tin can now have sexual practice without repercussions) and says sarcastically that they're eating tea and crackers. Cut to Buffy and Affections enjoying some tea and crackers. And so subverted after talking for less than a infinitesimal, they practically leap into each others' arms.
  • Eek, a Mouse!!: Buffy jumps at the sight of a rat, in contradiction to her behaviour in "Welcome to the Hellmouth"—a sign that existence effectually Angel is making her nervous.
  • Erotic Eating: Combining the ii things Angel's missed most nigh humanity, our loving couple are shown in bed subsequently sexual practice, with Buffy sensuously eating chocolate and Lecherously Licking spilt water ice cream off Affections'south chest.
  • Fantastic Fragility: The Mohra's regenerative blood ensures that he can never be permanently killed. Unless you smack the jewel in his forehead.
  • The First Cut Is the Deepest:

    Cordy: Where is the crabby scowl, the morbid gloom? [turns to Doyle] This but means that it cut deeper then usual. Batten downward the hatches, here comes Hurricane Buffy.

  • Foreshadowing:
    • For the Flavor iii episode "Birthday".

    Cordelia: I'm good for exactly 2 things: international superstardom, or helping a vampire with a soul to rid the world of evil. That makes for a short but colorful resume.

    • Buffy's future expiry is foreshadowed for the offset time. While Affections believed making himself a vampire once more and turning back the mean solar day would relieve her life, she would later die anyway in 2 years time.
  • Gilligan Cut:

    Doyle: You lot don't know what Buffy and Angel are doing downwards there.
    Cordelia: They've got the forbidden dearest of all time. They've been autonomously for months. Now he's suddenly human being. I'chiliad certain they're downward in that location just having tea and crackers.
    [cut to Angel pouring himself some tea while Buffy munches on some crackers]

    • Plus, there's the scene that references the title of the episode. Buffy is in tears, and swears she volition never forget that mean solar day. And so the Elders press the Reset Button, and Buffy (along with everybody else except Angel) has forgotten everything that happened that day.
  • A Handful for an Eye: Angel throws salt in the Mohra demon's optics.
  • Heroic Sacrifice
  • Humanity Ensues
  • It'southward a Long Story: Averted every bit usual.

    Angel: Information technology's complicated how this all happened, Buffy, you know? Information technology's kind of a long story.
    Buffy: Your new sidekick had a vision, I was in information technology, you came to Sunnydale?
    Angel: Okay, maybe not that long.

  • "Leave Your Quest" Test: Affections becomes a homo briefly and happily reunites with Buffy, just realizing that he can't effectively fight evil every bit a normal homo, he persuades the Powers That Be to return him to his vampire country.
  • Lets Await Awhile: Averted—Angel suggests they take their human relationship slow while he sorts out the implications of being human being again. Buffy (with reluctance) agrees. One accidental moment of body contact later and they're frantically immigration the kitchen tabular array to have passionate sex.
  • Love Theme: The return of "Close Your Eyes", Buffy and Affections's theme.
  • Making Love in All the Wrong Places: When Angel becomes human, he and Buffy concord they should take their relationship tiresome. One accidental moment of body contact afterward and they're shoving the cutlery off the kitchen table to have passionate sex.
  • Mood Whiplash: From the light-hearted fun of "Pangs" to this Tear Jerker episode.
  • Not Quite Expressionless: The Mohra demon can regenerate itself
  • Not What It Looks Like: Affections's Interrupted Suicide—he but wanted the stake to prop a wobbly desk. (Never mind why he chose that particular thing to balance the desk, let alone why he has it in his part. Later, Doyle and Cordy leave at the audio of Affections and Buffy fighting a demon because they assume it's Slap-Slap-Osculation behaviour. When they render to find the room trashed and dust on the floor, Cordy's first thought is that Buffy has dusted Angel; turns out Cordy was too lazy to sweep under the carpets.
  • Orbital Kiss: Buffy kickoff discovers that Affections has go homo over again when he walks upwards to her in the daylight equally Buffy is walking by the seashore and sweeps her into his arms for a passionate embrace.
  • Required Spinoff Cross Over: Buffy visits Angel afterwards the events of "Pangs".
  • Human relationship Reset Button: Angel turns man just as Buffy comes to town, so they tin can spend the 24-hour interval eating peanut butter in bed (and incidentally having lots of sex). It ends up being a disaster, and he needs to beg the Powers That Be for a do-over. Angel remembers; Buffy doesn't.
  • Reset Push button: Angel erases the events of the previous 24 hours in order to save Buffy's life. However, every bit the events erased including Angel becoming homo and having a perfect nighttime with Buffy, and that Angel's price for getting the Reset Button pushed was that he lonely remembered everything, it became an instant Tear Jerker.
  • Ripple Effect-Proof Memory: Only Affections remembers the original events, so he won't repeat them. Angel besides knows to immediately intermission the gem in the demon'southward forehead. Buffy is surprised he can defeat it and then apace just he reacts like "Eh, Mohra demons, run across 'em before."
  • Dominion of Symbolism: The diverse references to time—Angel starts the episode by winding a clock, gives a scout equally a gift to the Oracles, and breaks the clock when using it to kill the demon at the finish.
  • Sarcasm Way:

    Buffy: You lot know it'southward a adept thing I didn't fantasize virtually you turning human only nearly 10 zillion times, because today would take been a existent let downward.

  • Proverb As well Much:

    Affections: I feel weird.

    Angel: No, I meant I felt weird from the demon'south blood. [looks downwards at his mitt] It'due south powerful.

    Buffy: Oh. Okay. Let's but rewind Buffy's picayune flare-up and pretend information technology never happened.

  • Scenery Conscience/Mitt-or-Object Underwear: Naked!Angel fetching strawberries and chocolate chip ice cream for Buffy.
  • So Was Ten: Post-obit Affections's (temporary) reversion to human, Cordy and Doyle suddenly discover themselves out of piece of work. Doyle is upbeat:

    Doyle: I'll finally exist costless to become out and brand me own mark on the globe.

    Cordelia: We had a cat that used to do that.

  • The Story That Never Was: Angel is turned human by the claret of a demon. Although this would remove the only obstruction to having a happy human relationship with Buffy, Angel quickly realizes that he is completely unable to assist innocent people without his vampire forcefulness, and convinces The Powers That Be to contrary time and disengage the events of the day, with merely Angel himself remembering them to ensure that things don't play out the verbal same way.
  • Suggestive Standoff: Happens between Angel and Buffy, and lampshaded past her subsequently.

    The next thing I knew we're being attacked by this mutant ninja demon thing, so we're on the flooring on elevation of each other, and it's just really confusing being around yous.

  • Talk About That Thing: Averted, since we're dealing with Cordelia.

    Cordy: Well, this is Doyle. And he gets visions of people in trouble.

    Doyle: Overnice to make your—

    Cordy: [takes his arm and pulls him out of the office] And this is us leaving yous two lonely.

  • Tempting Fate:

    Doyle: Well, what e'er happens from here on out, at least I will be able to say proficient-bye to them bone-crushing, head-wrenching, mind-numbing visions. [Doyle's head smacks into the bar equally he has a vision]

  • Violently Protective Girlfriend:

    Buffy: You hurt my boyfriend.

    Buffy: You got that correct.

  • Walk-In Chime-In: For in one case information technology'due south not Affections who does this.

    Cordy: If my ex came to boondocks and was all stalking me in the shadows so left and so didn't fifty-fifty say "hello" I'd be—

    Buffy: [from the door] A picayune upset. [Angel looks at her, his mouth dropping open] Wouldn't y'all?

  • Weapon of Choice: Buffy is carrying a stake while stalking the demon with Angel "Because I know how to use it. Too it'due south a lot handier than your fighting ax." Of course another reason could be that Buffy knows she'll need a stake if she tin't resist having sexual practice with Angel.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: This is as shut every bit Buffy and Affections may ever come to true happiness.
  • Twelvemonth Inside, Hour Outside: When Angel returns from the Oracle's realm, Doyle assumes he's been thrown dorsum by the portal and never left.
  • Y'all Owe Me:

    Affections: We're keeping score at present?


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